GOD CHANGES OUR DESTINY PART 02 03 PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA The Bible says that no eye has seen or ear heard nor the human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love him what God has prepared for those who love him no dreams.


Never heard but then anelia for a surprise right yes we never thought about it we never conceived it and then the package from Heaven comes with a surprise for each.

One of us there's no limits for God there's no limits he can draw from the landfill of a woman a girl yours truly and God is able to take away from the hospital a bedridden person and.

Put him standing God can reverse the death decree over a person God leads me to the text of Hezekiah the king so Isaiah 38..

Those days Hezekiah became sick at the point of death prophet Isaiah son of Amos came to him and said to him thus says the Lord.

Set your house in order for you shall die no you shall not recover y prophet Isaiah enters into that room where Hezekiah was he was a king he was sick bedridden.

Prophet arrives as a prophet sent by God he didn't say I came to pray for you he didn't say I came to visit you too he says your house in order set your house in.

Order for you shall die you shall not recover decree from God this is a warning from God because of his Mercy God's mercy God is forewarning Hezekiah you're gonna die you have things to set.

Out to arrange two things you need to hand back to those people from whom you borrowed do that Hezekiah then turned his face to the.

Wall and prayed to the Lord his prayer remember now oh Lord how I have walked before you in faithfulness with a whole heart and I.

Have done what is good in your sight in Hezekiah wept bitterly remember now O Lord I implore you how I have walked before you and faithfulness with whole heart and have done what is good in your.

Sight in Hezekiah then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah and ready his message he had already left he was ready on the patio of the palace after.


    God heard hezekiah's prayer

    He says to the prophet then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah go and say to Hezekiah thus says the Lord the god of your ancestor David I have heard your.

    Prayer I have seen your tears I will add 15 years can you say glory to God can you say hallelujah can you say what's a magnificent God.

    Well it was a decree for death wasn't it well set your house in order you shall die but he turns to the wall cries prays and says I have walked before you in.

    Faithfulness and a whole heart I've been faithful throughout throughout my life and he cries and hezekiah's prayer arrives at God's heart and he changed.

    Hezekiah's Destiny remember what I read at the beginning you will seek me and you will find me when you seek for me with all your heart and I will be found and I will change I will change I will.

    Change your destiny had he changed hezekiah's Destiny reverse the decree of death gave him another 15 years I had a cancer.

    Endometrial cancer in my uterus and I had a late diagnosis I was working a lot it was in the beginning of my work as a judge.

    I lost a lot of weight and I thought that my loss of weight was an outcome of my long hours in working and I had some signs went to the doctor and when I ran the.

    Exams all right saw that there was a metastasis expanding to my intestines it was taking over my body and when the physician saw.

    The results he looked at me and he said

    Set your house in order you will die you're about to die I remember how he looked at me and how I answered and I said doctor if my God.

    Once that I shall die great but if not it's not because of a single cancer I will leave this life and I prayed for healing I Cried unto the Lord I wanted to see my grandchildren growing.

    I wanted to see the joy of my children seeing their children getting married seeing them preaching the gospel and the poof that I was healed says here I'm Healed.

    Before you myself but I draw your attention to one thing I talked about three scenarios I spoke about a God who meets our needs.

    I never felt hunger without having something to eat felt cold without having something to dress never felt tired and weary without having a place to sleep.

    I never liked a house a roof food never 74 years of all my needs have been met all the basics the God we serve and worship in this.

    Place the God we glorify is the one who says seek ye first the kingdom and it's righteousness and everything else will be added unto you everything David.

    Says I have been young and now I'm old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread God blesses the man who seeks the woman who seeks first the kingdom of God and.

    He blesses his children I'm not the only one being blessed with everything my children are also blessed their children there's a rule first seek the kingdom and it's Justice.

    Well he's the Primacy he needs to be ahead of everything else nothing needs to be more important nothing can be more important than the.

    Lord in your life in these times of losses so many families experienced I receive messages phone calls they want to give up you're tempted to give up on God.

    Well I tell them you can lose everything but you cannot lose God lose everything else even if the Fig Tree does not blossom and no food is on the vines or the.

    Produce of olive oils even if I have to bury a son of a husband I rejoice in The Lord of my salvation he has Eternal things for us not provisional things for maternity to.

    Eternity seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else will be added unto you everything else Everything Everything.

    Is Everything but we need to seek first the kingdom of God when he says I know the thoughts I have for you thoughts of Peace of evil to give you.

    The outcome you so desire when you seek me with all your heart you will find me there's a way we should seek when is God's time.

    In what way with all your heart well it's not that artificial prayer well pray for me church I need some help it's not that it's not here I didn't say Isaiah pray for me well you.

    Brought me a degree of death pray for me says that he himself prayed turning himself to the wall and he brought to the memory of God his righteousness I need your favor I've walked in.

    Righteousness before you I think you can give me this faith spoke to God and brought to his memory who Hezekiah was before God.

    Rejoice in the heart in in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart those things you want it's about living alive aligned with the word of God according to what God wants.

    For you many times our will is to give up on everything but God's will is to reconcile I will sometimes is to give up his will is a love that never gives up.

    The word of God teaches us the way we should track the path to be trodden his word is a lamp to our feet every single question we have can be clarified at the word the Son of God when came to Earth.

    In flesh it wasn't his will it wasn't his will to go to the Cross why do you think he prays father if possible move this cup away from me do you think he says I came here to do.

    God's will my father's will not mine he didn't want to go to the Cross he didn't want to go to the Cross because he was afraid of the Cross not because he was afraid of accumulation.

    Piercings and he knew he would resurrect on the third day he didn't want to go to the Cross because at the cross my son.

    Would be over him because of our sins his father would abandon him to die in our place his cry out cry at the cross his my God why have you forsaken me.

    God's separation for him was the greatest pain he felt because sin separates Mankind from God this salary of sin is death sin is separation well death is not only.

    About coffins those who are close to God will die they do not have to pay that loss of the second death everyone will die some will die to live eternally with God and some.

    To live eternally separated from God this is the damage of the second death when a Hezekiah came he face God he said who he was how he lived the word of God teaches us so much about.

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